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About Alice SPRINGS : Porn Star Alice SPRINGS is another tantalizing treat from Down Under who was discovered by director John T.BONE during his 1989 trip to Australia. She's a lusty brunette bombshell who enjoyed her on-camera cavorting so much that she came to America to continue her carnal career. Alice SPRINGS has a wonderfully curvaceous body and some of the smoothest, silkiest skin in the business. Her perpetually puckered mouth and deep brown eyes give her an air of sensuality unmatched by most of her fellow Aussies. Alice jumped into porn with a reckless sexual abandon that made such other Bone discoveries like Sunny McKAY, Kelly BLUE, and Deidre HOLLAND look tame by comparison. Alice SPRINGS was ready and willing to do anything, the wilder the better. From her first appearances in Bone's "Aussie Vice" and "Australian Connection", she exhibited a raunchy, wanton side that just couldn't get enough sex. Alice was truly excited by the prospect of exhibitionist sex, and her happy, energetic trysting is a clear testament to this. Check out her sensual backdoor turn with Marc Wallice in "Caught From Behind 14", or her acrobatic lesbian liaison with TIANNA in "The Easy Way" and you'll see a woman who revels in her work. Alice Springs left the biz and returned to Australia in late 1991, but not before she had appeared in over 50 always arousing, always nasty features.. |
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