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Buyers Comments : S. Johnson of Little Rock Ak. wrote us Dear Sir, I really need your help yet again. When I ordered the magazine Pleasure 141 from you I thought that it was the one my husband was looking for from his service days. He always talked about reading those girlie and porn magazines overseas. He said that girl Erika Bella was his favorite. I ordered that magazine thinking it was the one he was talking about and even had it all wrapped up and find out the day the package arrives that he was talking about Private 124 with Stephanie Adams. I don't mind my husband reliving his glory days in the service or even looking at old porn magazines it just makes him hornier for me, but I really do want to get the right one this time. Can you help me please? Sincerely Sara Johnson Ms. Johnson, Yes I think we can help you. Please let me direct you first to this page Erika Bella. Then may I suggest if you are still unsure then show your husband this page Eurobabes Erika Bella That is the Private 124 edition. If you are determined to make this a surprise for him we will do our best to rush the order to you. Just let us know what you want to do and we will be happy to work with you in any way possible. Thank you for coming to us again we atYurmag.Com do appreciate it.. |
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