Danish HARD-CORE Magazines by COLOR CLIMAXPlease look our selection of Danish HARD-CORE by COLOR CLIMAX Vintage Porn Magazines. First class magazine featuring some Famous pornstars, with some super-hardcore scenes that will make the hardest collector grow even harder. Danish HARD-CORE Porn Magazines Gallery (HERE) :
Our choice of Danish HARD-CORE by COLOR CLIMAX Vintage Porn Magazines doesn't stop here ; those numbers are also available right now in Excellent condition : 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 13 (Moses Hansen) - 15 - 16 - 19 - 20 - 22 (Uschi Karnat) - 23 - 27 (Eileen Bailey) - 30 - 31 (Ursula Gausmann) - 32 - 33 - 35 - 36 - 37 (Lynn Armitage) - 38 - 39 - 42 - 44 (Jennifer Eccles) - 53 - 57 (Molly O'Brien) - 61 (Toni Titanic) - 63 - 64 - 66 (Danielle Rogers) - 72 (Deborah Wells). we will list them as soon as possible, if you'd like to order some of them please just Contact Us About Danish HARD-CORE Porn Magazines : The success of All Color Climax series (including Danish HARD-CORE) was based on quality, Great Models, tons of danish sex,.. what else ? As Most Color Climax issues published after 1984 Danish HARD-CORE Magazines had many Famous European & American Pornstars such as Tracey Adams, Stacey Owen, Peter North, Randy West, Barbii, Toni Kessering,... Here are a few layout's titles that were published by CCC in HARD-CORE Porn Magazines : Shower seduction - Arsehole Orgy - Sexual Service - Willing Women - Spanish Screw - Big Black Bone - Hot Little Cunny - Hungry Cunts - ... just to name a few Buyers Comments : 1/ Harry from NYC wrote us: Dear Sirs, and Ma'ams, I wanted to write you and tell you how pleased I have been with that guy in the research department at Yurmag. Thank him for me. I just received another issue of Hardcore this time number 43 put out by Color Climax and asked him to get me the best quality he could. He really outdid himself this time and I did want to say I will be a return customer! The content in this magazine is sexy and sultry and truly outright fuck material. The condition of the magazine was great and the photography was unmatched in any other I have seen. Thanks again guys. Sincerely Harry Dear Harry, We are very pleased to hear we were able to meet your needs. I will certainly pass on your thanks to the staff member in question. I know he takes great pride in fulfilling these requests. Color Climax actually did put out some of the best quality porn in that era and their hardcore was unmatched and they had the fewest reprints as well. We thank you for your order and will be glad to hear from you again at Yurmag.Com 2/ Alf from London UK emailed us Hi, I just got an order in from you guys I was buying a special birthday present for my uncle who collects vintage porn magazines. Mostly those by a danish publisher Color Climax. Anyway, have to say the very fact they printed porn like this way back then floors me and how did they keep these in such great condition? He already has a copy of most of the other Hardcore titles. I had to search long and hard to find one he did not own but wanted and still keep it secret from him. I finally selected #52. I got it in the mail and this stuff makes me want to keep it for myself. I sure know why he collects it now! Well thanks guys and I bet my birthday present is one he will remember a very long time. Thing is I had best not give it to him at the party! Yours Truly, Alf Dear Alf, Yes I remember your order and am pleased we were able to obtain the right copy for you. I know your Uncle will be extremely pleased to receive it. If there is anything else we can do for you please contact us at Yurmag.Com. |
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