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Buyers Comments : Olivier from France emailed us Dear Sirs, i want to order all the issues containing Maria Bellucci. So far I have located two porno magazines with the actress on your site one was Teenage Sex Issue 92 and the other was Rodox 72. If there any I missed please include in my order. Both issues are supposed to be in very good condition and complete. Sincerely Yours, Manny Oli. Dear Olivier, yes certainly I will forward your order for the 2 magazines but I would like to direct you to this page Click Here. If you will direct your attention to the left hand column there is a third magazine you did not mention that is Magma Mega-Mix. We will also include this one in your order at your request. Let us know if this suits you and as always it is a pleasure to have you as a customer of Yurmag. |
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