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About Nikki CHARM : PornStar Nikki CHARM was one of the prime examples of the young-girl-gone-bad of the eighties, a sexy woman who is still warmly remembered by hardcore lovers despite appearing in less than 50 features during her whole career. Between 1984 and 1990, Nikki CHARM charmed her way to the top of the innocent-looking lassies' ladder. She had a waif look going well before it came into fashion. Nikki was born and raised in Southern California and had an adventurous streak that was evident in most of her work. She was incredibly pliable and flexible, able to contort her body into seemingly impossible sexual positions that have to be seen to be believed. Nikki CHARM was pure sensual cotton candy and was always at her best playing the corrupted innocent. Check out her high school reporter routine in 'Wild Things 2' for a great example of this nubile little mynx in action, but truly any of her films is a sure bet for scalding sexual heat. Nikki retired from the scene in early 1990 as one of the true fan faves among youthful-looking yet lasciviously nasty strumpets. . |